2022 Annual Meeting


The 2022 WWCDA Annual Attorney Meeting, held in conjunction with the ABA White Collar Conference, was an in-person, invitation-only meeting of attorney members who came together to learn and connect. This year’s Annual Attorney Meeting was held on March 1-2, 2022 in San Francisco. 

We were thrilled to reconnect with so many members in person, especially after the pandemic’s interruption, and spend time with old friends and meet new ones.  WWCDA leaders started with a Mediterranean outdoor lunch at the lovely restaurant Barcha and then met (at MoFo’s office) to discuss current initiatives and planning for the upcoming year.  In the evening, all the attendees got together for cocktails and dinner at the beautiful open-air venue at Sens Restaurant, overlooking the Embarcadero, Ferry Building, and waterfront.  We met again the following morning for an active, exciting networking breakfast (at Latham’s office), and moved on to the ABA conference.

Attendees left the 2022 WWCDA Annual Attorney Meeting with reinvigoration for continuing initiatives, deepened relationships, new friends, and plans for the upcoming year. The next Annual Meeting will be in Miami, Florida in March 2023.