25th Anniversary

Celebrating 25 years of connection, community and change

CELEBRATING 25 YEARS of Elevating Women in Law


So, there’s no better time than now to acknowledge the collective achievements and advances of our organization, and the contributions of our leaders and members to our growth and successes.

This is how and why we are 25 Years Strong!

In 1999, WWCDA… 

…had one event a year. Now, 150+ events are held annually across the globe. 

…had no chapters. Currently, there are 49 WWCDA chapters around the world with many, many more to be launched. 

…had no committees, no sponsors, no formal initiatives. Now, we have 17 dynamic committees, 100+ sponsors, and 33 initiatives aimed at advancing women in the field.

Today, there are more women on panels, more women ranked, more women in the first chair, and more women recognized for being champions in law promoting diversity, equality, and inclusivity. 

We look forward to a year of celebrating WWCDA’s 25th Anniversary of empowering women in law worldwide through thought leadership, education, and advancement opportunities while fostering lifelong connections as we continue to dream, to share, to achieve.

 #WWCDA25YearsStrong #morepowerfultogether

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