

The Spain Chapter of the Women's White Collar Defense Association was launched in the fall of 2021. The primary aim of this group is to create a networking and educational space to promote the common professional interests of women attorneys in Spain with a track record in the field of corporate crime, internal investigations and criminal compliance matters and to collaborate with women in the same practice around the world.


The Spain Chapter accepts Law Firm Attorney Members, Law Firm Attorney Affiliates, and Consultant Affiliates as defined:  

Law Firm Attorney Member: Senior women attorney private practitioners primarily practicing in the area of White Collar Defense and Investigations, defined as those who specialize in the representation of corporations, other organizations and individuals facing government enforcement actions (criminal, civil, regulatory, and administrative), and in internal investigations, compliance and ethics matters. Must have been in practice for more than 5 years.  

Law Firm Attorney Affiliate: Same definition as Law Firm Attorney Member but for women who have been in the practice for 5 years or less.  The affiliate status will permit you to participate in certain activities of the chapter and WWCDA. 

Consultant Affiliate: Women professionals who work at consulting firms (or non-attorney professionals who work at law firms) and specialize in the White Collar Defense and Investigations field, have been in practice for more than 5 years and offer support services and referral opportunities to attorneys in the practice.  The affiliate status will permit you to participate in certain activities of the chapter and WWCDA. 

Some WWCDA and chapter events may be limited to women attorney private practitioner (law firm attorney) members only.  

All Members and Affiliates must have their primary work address in the same location as our chapter. 

Apply for membership today. 

Chapter Leadership

Note: Chapter leaders are listed alphabetical by last name.

Showing 1 to 3 of 3
Profile Picture
Chapter Leader
Uría Menéndez
Profile Picture
Chapter Secretary
+34 91 349 81 54 work
Hogan Lovells
Profile Picture
Chapter Social
Media Coordinator
+34 915.860.669 work
Uría Menéndez